Jared the Nerd

Jared the Nerd

CTO, IT Advisor, Software Engineer, Public Speaker, Traveler, and 100% Nerd

Slides from Louisville .NET Meetup Group

Thanks to everyone who attended my talk on ES6/ES2015 tonight! You can find my slides and directions on how to run them on GitHub here: https://github.com/jaredfaris/ES6-talk

You can run the slides/index.html without Node installed, but to run the server for AJAX requests, you’ll need it. You can find instructions on how to get it working in the Readme file.

I’ve uploaded the slides to an Azure website here: http://es6talk.azurewebsites.net/slides/. Unfortunately, I haven’t spent the time yet to wire the server side up yet. If you want to play with promises, you should probably run local.

Thanks again for coming and seeing a rough new talk. I had a great time and would love to come back!